Interpolated Stories is a collection of eight stories by David Rose, two of which are published for the first time. It also features eight images created by the artist Leah Leaf in response to the stories. The book is the first of a series of collaborations between writers and artists that Confingo will publish over the next two years.
These texts were born out of a sense of frustration with the author's own short stories, along with much other current short fiction, and a need to open up the formal possibilities of the short story; an acknowledgement that the world is too various, reality too multistranded, to be restricted to a single perspective or narrative plane. The resulting texts – using a variety of discursive voices to interrupt and sometimes disrupt previously written stories – are therefore partly provocative, partly ludic, but offer possibilities to be further explored, in opening up the short story form, adding further dimensions, and breaking the narrative fourth wall.
David Rose was born in 1949 and spent his life until retirement in the PostOffice. He came to writing relatively late – in his mid thirties – and made hisfiction debut at the age of forty, in the Literary Review (with a story personallyaccepted by Auberon Waugh) in 1989. He went on to appear in a number ofmagazines, in the UK and in Canada and America, and anthologies, includingNeonLit: The Time Out Book of New Writing vol. 1 (1998). He has published twonovels - Vault (2011) and Meridian (2015) - and the collection PosthumousStories (2013), one of which was included in The Penguin Book of theContemporary British Short Story (2018).

Leah Leaf works in community arts for Culture Co-op in Rochdale.